Tips for Hydration

Several of you have asked what weight they need to be for the hydration assessment on Monday (Junior and Seniors) or Tuesday (Freshman and Sophomores). I understand many of you have an idea of what weight class you would like to be at so I’m going to try and impress you with some math skills. According to the weight management assessment plan you will be allowed to lose 1.5% of your body weight per week until you reached the minimum of 7% body fat. Assuming you have enough body fat to descend to your desired weight class you can use this formula to figure what you need to weigh hydrated on Monday to compete at that weight for the first competition. Start with a weight that is approx. 6-10 lbs (light guys can lose less than bigger guys) above the desired weight class. Let’s say John Smith wants to wrestle 145lbs. Add 8 pounds and we will see if he can weigh 153lbs at hydration and be eligible to compete at the first competition. Multiply 153 by .015 to find out how much weight John can lose per week. I came up with 2.295, then divide this number by 7 to find out how much he can lose per day. My calculator reads .328 lbs. If you test on Monday there will be 26 days until our first competition (25 days if you test on Tuesday). So John will multiply .328 by 26. The weight descent plan will allow John to lose 8.528 lbs before the first competition. So if you subtract this by his original weight 153lbs you will see that he would be eligible to wrestle at 145 lbs by the York Invite. All you mathematicians out there double check me and if you know of an easier way to explain this let me know! Good luck and be hydrated and ready to test on Monday or Tuesday!

Tips for Passing Hydration

–     Drink only WATER on the day before and day of the testing.

–      Avoid any vitamin or mineral supplements two days before and the day of testing.

–      Do not eat two hours prior to testing.

–      Avoid vigorous exercise the day of testing.

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